Dental Exams

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Dental Exams at Jensen Family Dental

Receiving routine dental exams every six months is an essential part of maintaining good oral health and hygiene. At our family dental office, located in Bayport, MN, regular dental checkups can help prevent oral health problems like gum disease and tooth decay. Here is everything you need to know about our dental exams.

Overview of Dental Exams   

Dental exams involve thoroughly examining your teeth, gums, and mouth to see if you have any dental problems and help keep your mouth healthy. Patients should have dental checkups every six months. Regular oral exams come with several benefits, including:  

  • Staying on top of your oral health: Your dentist uses dental checkups to carefully monitor your oral health for potential problems. Detecting those issues as soon as possible can prevent toothaches, broken teeth, and ultimately tooth loss, preventing the need for costly or more extensive restorative procedures in the future.   
  • Improve your oral hygiene routine: Another reason you need regular dental checkups is that they allow your dentist to monitor your oral hygiene routine and give you tips on improving your daily dental hygiene techniques.    
  • Screen for oral cancer: When detected early, oral cancer has a 93% survival rate. That’s why timely diagnosis and treatment are even more important.  

Dental Exam Cost and Time  

On average, it takes about 45 minutes for a routine dental examination, but it can take longer depending on the condition of your oral health.   

At Jensen Family Dental, our dental exams start at $58 and go up from there. A more comprehensive evaluation for a new patient will be more expensive than one that is coming in for a routine checkup. Luckily, this cost is usually covered by dental insurance.  

What Happens at a Routine Dental Exam?  

Here’s what you can expect during your routine dental exam at Jensen Family Dental:   

  • Dental X-Rays: We will take dental X-rays of your mouth to get a more thorough picture of your oral health and diagnose problems that cannot be seen with the naked eye, such as tooth decay, cysts, abscesses, impacted teeth, or bone loss.  
  • Evaluate teeth, gums, and joints: We will then carry out a full dental examination of the soft tissue lining of your mouth, teeth, and gums for signs of gum disease, cavities, and any abnormalities, as well as the integrity of previous restorative procedures. We’ll also feel your jaw bones from the outside of your mouth while you bite down to ensure that your bite is smooth and aligned and there is no clicking or popping from your jaw joints.  
  • Oral cancer screening: Dr. Jensen will also perform an oral cancer screening. This includes feeling under your jaw, checking the insides of your lips, the sides of your tongue, gums, and the roof and floor of your mouth.    
  • Diagnosis and treatment planning if necessary: If any oral health problems are found during your examination, Dr. Jensen will recommend the best next steps and develop a customized treatment plan. This might include restorative treatments like fillings, crowns, or dental implants. We will also discuss your overall oral health and habits, how to improve, and any concerns you may have.   

Schedule Your Dental Checkup Today  

Our compassionate and experienced dental team will ensure you have a positive experience and treat you like a family. Schedule an appointment with us at Jensen Family Dentistry today to keep your oral health and hygiene as a top priority.